Teaching, Mentoring & Healing

In Person Sessions:
Come to my office in Vancouver, Washington for individual mentoring, physical assistance with Matrix Energetics, Healing Touch and Reiki. Email me at Carin@carinbocskay.com or call 360-694-3091 (voice only) for an appointment and address. In-person clients pay with cash, check or credit card at the time of service.

Remote (Distant) Sessions:
Individual mentoring and teaching, Healing Touch and Reiki, as well as Matrix Energetic sessions can all be done from a distance. I currently have clients/students all over the U.S., in Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Ireland and Great Britain. Teaching and mentoring, of course, is done over the phone or with Skype; Matrix Energetics, Healing Touch and Reiki can be done using Skype, or just over the phone as well as without the phone. If I am to call you after Matrix work or energy medicine, that conversation will be included in the time scheduled.

 You can pay by credit card by clicking on the appropriate amount here on my website.  You may also pay with cash, check, or money order. Distance clients should arrange for payment to arrive in advance of their session.  

Just email me at Carin@carinbocskay.com or call me at 360-694-3091 to set the time.


"In just a few months of working with Carin', I accomplished more than the many years of traditional therapy. With her guidance, I healed a deep wound with my family and now enjoy loving, and meaningful relationships. Carin’s approach is refreshing, direct, and loving while both challenging and accountable. I moved beyond my past and now create the life of my dreams!” ~Lisa Weaver  


©2011Carin'Bocskay(All rights reserved)


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